Our labor and delivery suites, with in-room shower, are located in a private hallway.Photo of the Labor and Delivery hallway showing doorway into private Labor and Delivery room.
Syringa Hospital & Clinics OB Services
Our caring obstetrics team sets us apart...• Your delivery preferences are accommodated
• Natural delivery friendly
• Promote newborn/parent skin-to-skin bonding
• In room newborn care
• Primary care provider attends delivery
• Lactation support
• Cesarean sections
• Vaginal delivery after C-section (see below)
• 24/7 on-site anesthesia for pain assistance
• Trained in Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics and Neonatal Resuscitation
Syringa offers one-to-one obstetrics for patients wishing to deliver close to home. Each of our family physicians follows their own patients and plans around the delivery. There is no call rotation, so you are likely to deliver with the doctor you have been seeing for your pregnancy. Each of our physicians are trained in advance care and surgical intervention in the unlikely event that you or your baby needed immediate assistance. Syringa is dedicated to provide you with a safe delivery experience. The hospital also provides 24/7 anesthesia coverage for those wishing to have a little assistance with pain management.
The nursing staff is no exception to the excellent care you will receive at Syringa. With one-on-one nursing and a focus on newborn bonding, you will find that Syringa is dedicated to providing the best start at life for your newborn. The staff promotes skin to skin bonding and provides lactation support.
Have you been told after your caesarean section that surgical delivery is your only option? It may not be. Our OB Team have the education and experience needed to offer you a trial of labor (after caesarean) if this is an important healthcare goal for you. Our staff will help you decide if non-surgical delivery is possible for you. Please call the Syringa Primary Care Clinic at 208-983-8590 to schedule an appointment to discuss your options.